Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Night Before

Finalizing my packing and getting ready to sleep for a few hours before my very early flight tomorrow morning (6:20 AM!). Sharon will have me out the door at 4:00 AM!

It's hard to believe that the time is finally here. It's been a year and a half in the planning and I am actually going - amazing!

Thank you everyone who has taken the time to wish me well in this adventure. I cherish all of the prayers, good wishes and personal messages you have shared with me. For those of you who have connected me with other Camino pilgrims I thank you for this. The people I have talked with have been a tremendous help in getting my packing done. Great knowledge and experience trumps guessing any day. 


  1. Finally, the time has come. Hope this is the best adventure ever!

  2. Sleep . . . ha ha. Good luck getting any of that before the trip of your life. Buen Camino! Can't wait to see what the adventure brings!
