Sunday, May 26, 2013

Well its the final day of leg one - in Paris. I am packing up and heading to the train station for a 8 hour train ride to St Jean Pied-de-Port. It has been an awesome introduction to this wonderful city. More time is needed to get a full appreciation of this grand city. Two days is just not enough. I have had a great adjustment to the time change and feel well rested. The weqther has not been the best but considering that I will be walking 500 miles rain or shine this too was a great introduction to what might be ahead. Forecast for the first three days of the hike is for rain. Not looking forward to that but I trust it will warm up a bit - it was 42 degrees here in Paris when I arrived and raining :(

So the sites here were awesome. Got to see Notre Dame, the Latin district, Shackspere Bookstore, The Left Bank, Arc de Triomphe, walked the Champs-Elysèes and saw the Louvre. All very spectacular to say the least. I have attempted to master the Metro system and yes it is very easy. They have done a great job creating a very efficient underground system - safe, clean and easy. I recommend it to anyone traveling around Paris. Of course if the weather is good walking is better. I did as much walking as I could but with the rain it was easier to the Metro.

Off to St Jean Pied-de-Port.............more adventures to come!

1 comment:

  1. So glad you were able to adjust to the time difference, get some rest and even see the sites in such a short amount of time. Can't wait to see the pictures. Buen Camino!
